
Towards gender-sensitive river basin management

A team of Indonesian students explores what people living along the Brantas River in East Java think about river pollution and what it does to them: their health, their food and their livelihood.

They want to know what ideas women and men have about causes and solutions to pollution, and whether they think differently about how their lives are affected by it.

The analysis will be used to make the way the Brantas is managed more inclusive and gender sensitive. It is part of the Indonesian-Dutch project to promote inclusive growth, health and equality by making clean river water part of the policy in the river basin.

Meanwhile, Indonesian partners continue tirelessly to standardize measurements of the alarming pollution in the Brantas River. Women’s groups and students measure water quality with citizen science tools and discuss their concerns about the impact on wildlife, livelihoods and health. The measurement results are published by the University of Brawijaja on BrantaSae, the interactive map of the water quality in the Brantas River.





